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Lectii de chitara

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Inscrie-te acum: 0720 932 345

Despre noi

ARTBASTIAN este o asociatie cultura cu sediul in Targu-Mures, Transilvania, Romania.

Instructorul de Chitara SEBASTIAN TATAR a pus bazele acestor cursuri de chitara in 2006 dezvoltandu-le treptat printr-o metoda proprie si originala, ajungand sa fie unul dintre cei mai renumiti instructori de chitara din Romania. In cursurile de chitara marca ARTBASTIAN se invata folosirea instrumentului bazat 80% din timpul unei ore pe exercitii practice aplicate direct pe melodii. Metoda este aplicata pe fiecare elev in parte diferit, cel mai mult conteaza genul muzical pe care acesta doreste sa il invete la chitara.

Genurile muzicale care se invata la chitara sunt : clasic, folk, pop, blues, rock, jazz. ( si ramurile aferente fiecarui gen muzical mentionat ).

Pentru cei care nu sunt din oras sau din tara cursurile se tin online pe SKYPE.




ARTBASTIAN is a culture association based in Targu-Mures, Transylvania, Romania.
The guitar instructor SEBASTIAN TATAR laid the foundations of these guitar courses in 2006, gradually developing them by its own and original method, becoming one of the most famous guitar instructors in Romania. In the guitar lessons, the ARTBASTIAN brand learns to use the instrument based 80% of the time during one hour on practical exercises directly applied to the songs. The method is applied to each student in a different way, most importantly the kind of music he wants to learn.
The musical genres that are learned on guitar are: classical, folk, pop, blues, rock, jazz. (and branches of each musical genre mentioned).
For those who are not from the city or from the country the courses are held online on SKYPE.


Online lessons


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